Monday, December 29, 2014

Very Late...So Sorry!

Hi All!

First, I want to say that I hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas, I know I did! Second, I know that I've been terrible about making posts on time and I'm very sorry; I'm making it my New Year's resolution to do better! I also have some good news. I finally finished Lost in Shadows a couple of weeks ago and I'm planning to start work on the next book in the series right after New Years! I also finally got a sponsor that is willing to lend me a hand with the publication of Into the Shadows so things should get back on track soon! That's all I have for now but I'll keep you updated with any new information! You can also follow me on Facebook and Twitter for smaller updates between blog posts.


As always, I love you guys and it's back to work for me!


Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Incredibly late...many apologies!

Hi All!

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and I apologize for the delay...there hasn't been a lot to report until today...I have good news and bad news to share. First the bad sponsor fell through on the publication of Into the Shadows, so it is still on hold for the time being...but I am still hoping to be able to continue the publication soon! Now the good news, I have finally completed the draft for Lost in Shadows and will begin the editing process within the next couple of days! I will you keep you updated with any new information, and I appreciate your patience greatly! Just bear with me and Shadow-Kissed will have its time to shine!

I love you all and as usual, its back to work for me!
