Thursday, March 27, 2014

A Little Delayed....Sorry!

Hi All,

Sorry it's a day late, but I haven't heard anything from my publisher this week so there really isn't any news on 'Into the Shadows', but i can tell you that the release is still set for May of 2015 and that I look forward to doing any signings my publisher can offer! As I posted last week, I have been fighting a losing battle with a cold on top of seasonal allergies so I haven't exactly been myself this week and I have fallen behind on progress on 'Lost in Shadows'. I don't think it will be finished this month, but I will have it finished by the middle of next month for sure! I will keep you updated on my progress as well as any new information I receive from my publisher!

As always, I love you all and it's back to work for me!


Wednesday, March 19, 2014

no real updates this week :(

Hi all!

I apologize that I don't have any major news to share this week. I e-mailed my publisher for a progress report but haven't heard back yet. I've been fighting a losing battle with a cold this week, but I did manage to get about two-thirds of the way finished with Lost in Shadows and I'm still on track to finish it by the end of the month and I will announce any updates I receive!

As always, I love you guys and it's back to work for me!


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Spring Break

It's Spring Break for me and I'm spending it with my family while I get caught up on my writing...I definitely have plenty of company and inspiration. Just wanted to give a quick update on my progress. I am officially half-way finished with "Lost in Shadows" and should be back on track by the end of the week! I also talked with my publisher and I should receive a copy of the edited manuscript soon and all I have to do is review any changes that have been made and approve it and it goes into production!

That's it for always, I love you all and it's back to work for me!


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Writing, Writing, Writing...

Hi all!

Another busy day of classes and writing ahead of me today. Starting it off with coffee and the ending to another chapter...I just wanted give a quick update on my progress with Lost in Shadows...I'm half-way finished and behind due to a recent bombardment of exams and assignments in my classes, but I am getting caught up and I'm still on track to be finished by the end of March. I don't have any updates on the publication of Into the Shadows, but I will share any new information I receive!

As always, I love you guys and it's back to work for me!
